About Latte

A small introduction for myself - to whomever it may concern;

Hello! My name is Julian! I believe I need to give a general “Un-reality” warning to my page. This place is a work of fiction. The majority of this page is meant to be a mildly “In-Character” outlet for my creativity. You know, stuff like… Accidentally turning yourself into a “Cat-man” i refuse to be called a “cat boy”; though, the technical term is kemonomimi - or “Raionmimi”, as the component of these animal features is, in fact, something of the Panthera leo variety.

In short; I am, due to my own devices, partially some sort of lion. I’m not exactly sure what determined my appearance, and it does not seem to lend any supernatural abilities - only somewhat dubiously useful abilities, made moreso annoyances due to my line of work - you can understand how having a tail, while working in a laboratory with chemicals, glass, and burners, could be detrimental; as well as people being oddly persistent to touch my ears or listen to me purr…

Regardless, I hail from a dimension a little bit different than yours, where our timeline mirrors, but splits off around the ‘victorian’ era; I live in what your world would call a “Steampunk Timeline”, though in this age, it’s more similiar to “Solarpunk” in some regards. My partner is a particular shining example of this, though I imagine you all will meet him sometime down the line. We both work together as genetic researchers, and in our free time explore some neighboring dimensions and timelines. I’m afraid your reality is a bit too far from ours to properly connect, with my current technology. All I’m able to do is post like this, and images are a… Unique issue. I’m unable to take photographs for your dimension to see, as our photography still uses physical film and physical photos - and while I’ve devised some “digital” apperatus to communicate with, I’m unable to use any kind of digitizer for photographs as of yet. Maybe soon! I’m hoping to find some dimension that’s a bit closer to yours to find a solution, or devise a solution on my end with a few colleagues of mine!

I would like to note, I have discovered many unique species on my travels, and love to make note of them - I’m hoping to use this as an outlet for them, but my work keeps me busy (as my work does not align with these projects) and often I’m too tired from my travels to properly note anything down until some time later. I hope that people’s interest will keep my eyes on this goal.

I hope in due time you all will find my research of interest, and I hope this letter of sorts, finds you well.